Desde pequena que minha mãe conta que vi esta receita na televisão e lhe pedi para fazer para o almoço. Desde desse dia que assim se faz cá em casa as costeletas à moda da Diana.
4 costeletas de porco do cachaço
2 dentes de alho esmagados
2 colheres de sopa de farinha
1 colher de chá de cominhos
1 queijo ralado parmesão ou mozzarela
200 ml de natas
Misture a farinha, os cominhos, o sal e a pimenta e passe as
costeletas por esta mistura. Numa frigideira
grande e anti-aderente deite um fio de azeite e os dentes de alho e frite as
costeletas dos dois lados, quando estiverem prontas retire e coloque num
tabuleiro para irem ao forno. Deite as natas na frigideira e deixe cozinhar 2/3 minutos para ganhar sabor. Adicione as natas às costeletas e o queijo ralado e leve ao forno 200º grill a gratinar. Sirva
com arroz branco e salada.
Since I was a child that my mother always told me the history of this recipe: I saw this recipe on TV show and asked her to do it for the lunch. Until today we do this recipe that we had named of Diana style steaks.
4 pork steaks from the topside
2 cloves garlic crushed
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon of cumins
1 grated Parmesan cheese or mozzarella
Olive oil
200 ml of fresh cream
Mix the flour, the cumins, the salt and the pepper and pass the steaks for mix. In a large sauteuce pour a little of olive oil and the garlic cloves and fry the steaks on both sides. When they are ready remove and place on a tray that can go to the oven. Add the cream into the sauteuce and cook for a few minutes to take steaks sauce taste. Add the sauce and the grated cheese to the steaks and return to oven to reach a golden brown. Serve with white rice and salad.
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