Chegaram os Santos Populares e com eles o sol (finalmente), o cheiro a sardinhas assadas e os almoços ao ar livre. Hoje, dia de Santo António, temos à mesa sardinhas, salada de pimentos, salada de tomate , vinho verde e não podia faltar o manjerico com uma quadra tradicional.
Ingredientes: (4 pessoas)
20/24 sardinhas
2 pimentos vermelhos
2 pimentos verdes
2 cebolas em rodelas
2 tomates cortados
Fatias de pão rústico
Tempere as sardinhas com bastante sal. Acenda o lume e quando estiver bem quente asse os pimentos. Prepare a salada de tomate, juntado a cebola e o tempero. Quando os pimentos estiverem bem assados retire a pele e as sementes, corte em tiras, junte a cebola e tempere a gosto. Coloque as sardinhas a assar e quando estiverem prontas sirva sobre uma fatia de pão rústico.
Dica: Para retirar a pele dos pimentos, passe os pimentos por água e um a um coloque num saco plástico e esfregue até sair a pele.
Today is the feast day of St Anthony, the patron saint of Lisbon, and this means that in Lisbon today we can only eat one thing: roasted sardines! People all over the city - friends, neighbours, family -, get together and go crazy about sardines. Everyone shares it and taste it, even if it's coming from your neighbours kitchen. Of course that today the recipe couldn't be anything else than sardines and we had it for our lunch: roasted sardines, multi-coloured pepper salad, tomato salad, green wine and as the tradition demands: the basil plant with the love poem on our balcony.
Ingredients: (4 people) 20/24 sardines
2 red peppers
2 green peppers
2 onions, sliced
2 tomatoes sliced
Olive oil
Sliced rustic bread
Sprinkle the sardines with a lof of salt. Light the fire and first roast the peppers. Prepare the tomato salad with one sliced onion and season to taste. When the peppers are ready remove the skin and the seeds, add the onion and season to taste. Put the sardines on the fire and when they are roasted serve above a slice of bread.
Tip: To remove the skin from the peppers, skip the peppers with water and place in a plastic bag and rub until leaving.
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